Gurupoornima is an Indian festival that is celebrated as per the Hindu lunar calendar to express reverence towards the Guru. It falls on the day of the full moon or Purnima in the month of Ashadh. The place of the Guru is very high in Indian culture and mythology.

As part of this celebration, we conduct Matru pooja every year to teach childrenMatru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, Athiti devo bhava. It instills moral values in the minds of children, and fosters love and respect towards the ‘Mother’ who is the first teacher of the child.

Due to the Covid pandamic, the Mathrupooja ceremony was performed by our students at home on the 24th and 25th of July, 2021. Detailed written instructions on how to do the pooja were given to the students by our Principal Bri. Vidhya G. in their class WhatsApp groups. Students performed the pooja and shared their photos in the class groups.