Patanjali Yoga Class by Swami Sumit Acharya

Yoga has always been a part and parcel of Indian life. For quite some years, schools have been playing a vital role in promoting yoga in society.

One such session was held at our school on July 6th. Swami Sumit Acharya, a disciple of Baba Ramdev, visited our school to lead the Yoga session. Swamiji followed Patanjali Yoga, the path taught by Baba Ramdevji. The All Kerala President of Patanjali Yoga Centres, Shri Bhaskaran Sir presided over the session.

Swamiji held a forenoon session for students in which he explained the various aspects of Patanjali Yoga. Breathing exercises, Anuloma and Viloma were taught to the students. Eye exercises, problems related to general issues like headache, pain in different parts of the body, etc. were handled by Swamiji. The importance of yoga was discussed in the session.

An evening session was conducted for the staff of our school. Various breathing exercises and simple asanas were taught to the staff, and they had a brief session dealing with health issues. Swamiji ended the session by giving a lot of health tips to all the staff.